Flexible Mesh Generation for Segmented 2D and 3D Images Containing Multiple Materials

Guntram Berti:
Flexible Mesh Generation for Segmented 2D and 3D Images Containing Multiple Materials, in T. M Buzug, K.-M. Sigl, J. Bongartz, K. Prüfer (eds.), Facial Reconstruction. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Reconstruction of Soft Facial Parts, Remagen, March 2005, pp. 485-495, Luchterhand Verlag (2007)
We present a hierarchical, dimension-independent approach to mesh generation from segmented images, based on adaptive spacetree subdivision. The central algorithm is extended to generate non-uniform tetrahedral meshes or hybrid meshes containing hexahedra, pyramids, and tetrahedra. We present a volumetric marching tetrahedra algorithm permitting vertices to lie on the separating surface, enabling d-linear separating functions and vertex snapping. This algorithm is extended to multiple material, and a new separating function based on solid angles is proposed. Finally, smoothing in the presence of internal boundaries is discussed.

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